
Ghosts of Blenheim Past

Last Modified: 20-2-2019 14:11

Ghosts of Blenheim Past

Lichen life encrusting weathered stones.
Mineral monuments in a field of buried bones.

Grinning Skulls beneath the earth lie in still repose.
Souls long fled, with passing years, corpses decompose.

A tranquil restful place, to reflect on life and death.
To calm the soul from daily toils, while flesh and blood draw breath.

No restless wraiths here, wandering from their graves.
Only infrequent living souls, walk the grassy ways.


Image and words, copyright 2014, Christopher Cookson. All rights reserved.

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Ghosts of Blenheim Past. (2019) Retrieved April, 27, 2024, from
