
Essons Valley Tracks

Last Modified: 21-2-2019 4:15

Footbridge on Essons Valley walkway
Footbridge on Essons Valley walkway
© Christopher Cookson  License this image

Essons Valley is located to the south of Picton where two small concrete dams create reservoirs that provide Picton's water supply. Walking tracks to both the Barnes Dam and the Humphries Dam pass through a lush native forest that has been largely undisturbed by human activity with a variety of tree species and many ferns including large tree ferns.

The two tracks start off as one from the end of Garden Terrace, but the path splits a few minutes into the walk. Each track can be walked in one direction in under an hour. At Humphries dam, a picnic area is provided beside the lake formed by the dam.

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Essons Valley Tracks. (2019) Retrieved April, 24, 2024, from
