
Grape Ride

Last Modified: 18-2-2019 13:59

Marlborough has a reputation for fine wine and cuisine, but long before the region became famous for these, it had a reputation for a spectacular natural environment, and as a playground for those keen on the outdoors. The Grape Ride combines both of these features of Marlborough in a 101km annual cycle race taking in the heart of Marlborough's wine country, and the breathtaking beauty of the Marlborough Sounds.

The event officers major prizes, and attracts both serious racing cyclists, and amateurs keen simply to complete the race. 

At the end of the race, participants tread grapes which go into a special vintage, which is then made available at the following year's event. 

The 2008 event will take place on 12th April 2008 







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Grape Ride. (2019) Retrieved April, 24, 2024, from
