
Hunter's Garden Marlborough

Last Modified: 16-2-2019 10:25

Garden Marlborough fête in Seymour Square
Garden Marlborough fête in Seymour Square
© Christopher Cookson  License this image

In late spring each year, Marlborough plays host to a nearly week long garden festival. Garden Marlboroguh has in the past been sponsored by Hunter's Wines, but currently Nelmac holds naming rights. The festival includes numerous garden tours as well as workshops and a Sunday fête in Seymour Square where plants, and numerous arts and crafts are on sale.

During the fair, winners of the best presented street awards for the year are announced. 

The garden tours take in all parts of Marlborough and all styles of gardens. The gardens visited include some recognised as amongst the best in New Zealand. 









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Hunter's Garden Marlborough. (2019) Retrieved April, 19, 2024, from
