
Wind on the Withers - a ten year Photographic Journey on the Wither Hills

Last Modified: 17-2-2019 8:35

Many Blenheim residents will be familiar with the Wither Hills Farm Park with its walking and cycle trails, but may not realise how much diversity there is in the park.

I've explored the hills since a child and photographed them starting as a teenager, initially with some rather poor results.

This collection of photographs and accompanying short poems covers a ten year period from 2004 to 2014 to coincide with ten years of digital photography.

In the beginning, my first digital camera was just a fairly simple point and shoot, before I moved on to a couple of bridge cameras and finally a DSLR. Anyone with any level of photographic equipment should be able capture images like this with a bit of persistence and knowledge of where to look.

Christopher Cookson.

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Wind on the Withers - a ten year Photographic Journey on the Wither Hills. (2019) Retrieved April, 19, 2024, from
